In his current research Tjard Bergmann is developing a new DNA barcoding system based on diagnostic characters. It is called CAOS (Chararcter Attribute Organization System) and was originally developed in collaboration with the AMNH (Rob DeSalle) and the University of Columbia (Neil Indra Sarkar).
- Tizard J, Patel S, Waugh J, Tavares E, Bergmann T, Gill B, Norman J, Christidis L, Scofield P, Haddrath O, Baker A, Lambert D, Millar C (2019) DNA barcoding a unique avifauna: an important tool for evolution, systematics and conservation. BMC Evol Biol, 19:52. doi: 10.1186/s12862-019-1346-y.
- Rach J, Bergmann T, Paknia O, et al. (2017) The marker choice: Unexpected resolving power of an unexplored CO1 region for layered DNA barcoding approaches. PLoS One 12, e0174842. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0174842.
- Paknia O, Bergmann T, Hadrys H. (2015) Some ʼantʼswers: Application of a layered barcode approach to problems in ant taxonomy. Mol Ecol Resour 15, 1262-1274. doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.12395.