Dr. Jens Hauslage



Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)

Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrtmedizin | Gravitationsbiologie | Linder Höhe | 51147 Köln

Phone: +49 2203 601 4537



As a gravitational biologist, I study the perception as well as influences of gravity and also weightlessness on life and its development. I am a plant physiologist by background with a minor in physics. Trichoplax is an ideal model organism for me to study the influence of gravity on the formation of polarities and the development of gravity perception. Other areas of my research include the development of bioregenerative systems for space applications and the design and construction of space experiments for several microgravity platforms.

Latest publications

1st Author

  • Hauslage, J., Görög, M., Krause, L., Schüler, O., Schäfer, M., Witten, A., … & Hemmersbach, R. (2020). ARABIDOMICS—A new experimental platform for molecular analyses of plants in drop towers, on parabolic flights, and sounding rockets. Review of Scientific Instruments, 91(3), 034504.
  • Kohn, Florian PM, and Jens Hauslage. „The gravity dependence of pharmacodynamics: the integration of lidocaine into membranes in microgravity.“ npj Microgravity 5.1 (2019): 5.
  • Hauslage, J., Strauch, S. M., Eßmann, O., Haag, F. W., Richter, P., Krüger, J., … & Müller, H. (2018). Eu: CROPIS–“Euglena gracilis: Combined Regenerative Organic-food Production in Space”-A Space Experiment Testing Biological Life Support Systems Under Lunar And Martian Gravity. Microgravity Science and Technology, 30(6), 933-942.
  • Hauslage, Jens and Cevik, Volkan and Hemmersbach, Ruth. (2017) Pyrocystis noctiluca represents an excellent bioassay for shear forces induced in ground-based microgravity simulators (Clinostat and Random Positioning Machine). npj Microgravity. NPJMGRAV-00147R1, accepted and in press
  • Hauslage, Jens and Abbrecht, Medea and Hanke, Lars and Hemmersbach, Ruth and Koch, Claudia and Hanke, Wolfgang and Kohn, Florian P. (2016) Cytosolic Calcium Concentration Changes in Neuronal Cells Under Clinorotation and in Parabolic Flight Missions. Microgravity Science and Technology. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/s12217-016-9520-y ISSN 0938-0108

2nd Author

  • Liemersdorf, C., Lichterfeld, Y., Hemmersbach, R., & Hauslage, J. (2020). The MAPHEUS module CellFix for studying the influence of altered gravity on the physiology of single cells. Review of Scientific Instruments, 91(1), 014101.
  • Maas, N., Willnecker, R., Hemmersbach, R., & Hauslage, J. (2019). apex: A new commercial off-the-shelf on-board computer platform for sounding rockets. Review of Scientific Instruments, 90(10), 105101.
  • Brungs, Sonja, Jens Hauslage, and Ruth Hemmersbach. „Validation of Random Positioning Versus Clinorotation Using a Macrophage Model System.“ Microgravity Science and Technology (2019): 1-8.
  • Krause, L., Braun, M., Hauslage, J., & Hemmersbach, R. (2018). Analysis of statoliths displacement in Chara rhizoids for validating the microgravity-simulation quality of clinorotation modes. Microgravity Science and Technology, 30(3), 229-236.
  • Bornemann, Gerhild, Kai Waßer, and Jens Hauslage. „The influence of nitrogen concentration and precipitation on fertilizer production from urine using a trickling filter.“ Life sciences in space research 18 (2018): 12-20.
  • Strauch, S. M., Becker, I., Pölloth, L., Richter, P. R., Haag, F. W., Hauslage, J., & Lebert, M. (2018). Restart capability of resting-states of Euglena gracilis after 9 months of dormancy: Preparation for autonomous space flight experiments. International Journal of Astrobiology, 17(2), 101-111.
  • Kohn, Florian, Jens Hauslage, and Wolfgang Hanke. „Membrane fluidity changes, a basic mechanism of interaction of gravity with cells?“ Microgravity Science and Technology 29.5 (2017): 337-342.
Dr. Jens Hauslage